FREE online spine assessment

3 Questions Patients Ask

It’s really important that patients are well informed and have all the information they need before deciding on the best approach to solving their specific back and neck pain issues. In our experience, these are the top 3 questions that patients ask us.

1. What is causing my back or neck pain?
2. How can it be treated?
3. How much will treatment cost me?

1 - What is causing my back or neck pain?

The spine is made up of a stack of bones (vertebrae), from the pelvis, up to the skull. They are cushioned by the tissue between them called discs. The vertebrae are held together by tissue bands or straps called ligaments movement between each bone as facilitated by joints (facets). This whole spinal unit is then supported by a group of muscles commonly referred to as the “core”. The spine itself houses and protects the spinal cord and nerves that transmit electrical signals between the brain and the rest of the body.


Pain can be generated from any one of these structures but is often referred onwards to other structures (for example, a slipped disc, compressing a nerve generating leg pain). A careful consultation, including a thorough review of your medical history and a clinical examination, will help narrow down the cause. For most patients an MRI scan of the spine will be requested to help confirm the diagnosis. Modern day imaging is so sensitive that a number of common but irrelevant abnormalities will also be identified and included in the report, and whilst many patients understandably find this daunting, there is no undue reason for concern.

Following your scan, a Spine MDT surgeon will review the actual images and show them to you, explaining the findings in layman’s terms and then determine which findings fit with your signs and symptoms.

Rather than the usual approach whereby you to pay for an initial review, then pay for a scan followed by the second (also paid) consultation to discuss the findings, the Spine MDT provide a faster and more cost-effective solution with our one-stop clinic.

Our one-stop clinic starts with a free telephone consultation, where a Spine MDT surgeon will gain an understanding of your medical and treatment history in order to arrange for the appropriate scan. After you have had the scan, you will be seen by a surgeon (this could be in-person or online) for a formal history review and examination, followed by a detailed review of the findings from the scan to allow your surgeon to formulate a treatment plan. Our one-stop approach allows us to get to your diagnosis and tailored treatment plan more quickly, and at less cost to you. If you have already had an appropriate scan, the process is even quicker as the resulting images and report can be reviewed before your consultation.


2 – How can it be treated?

The majority of patients we see at the Spine MDT will not require surgery. Most problems in the spine relate to poor posture, weakness of the core, and resultant secondary strain on the joints, ligaments, and discs. This can then cause pain from the joints that is referred to the adjacent attached muscles. Tears in the discs can cause nerve compression and result in leg pain (sciatica) or shoulder/arm pain (brachalgia).

In the context of pain that is localised in the back with no nerve compression, this can mostly be treated and managed by focussing on strengthening the core muscles, combined with and some supplementary manipulation. The Spine MDT network includes physiotherapists and osteopaths throughout the UK who will recommend a tailored treatment plan that matches to your ability, scan findings and the recommendations made by our surgeons.

Most patients usually require 3 sessions with a physiotherapist or osteopath, and if they carry out the recommended exercises and continue with them in their own time, significant improvements should be realised. Throughout your treatment, your therapist will be in regular contact with our surgeons regarding your progress. After your treatment is completed, a Spine MDT surgeon will follow up on your progress to ensure that your treatment is working and to confirm that any more invasive forms of treatment (such as spine surgery) are not required.



Examples of scenarios where additional treatment - typically either an injection or surgery - may be required include:

- Patients with worsening leg pain (beyond 6 weeks), with confirmed nerve compression from a scan that clinically fits with the pain distribution.
- Patients with progressive neurological deficits (weakness), where surgery may be recommended sooner.
- Confirmed misalignment of spinal bones (spondylolisthesis) with instability that has failed conservative measures.

The Spine MDT spinal surgeons are trained in a wide range of procedures, and our goal is to always find the least invasive procedure for our patients that will still be able to provide the longest lasting results.


3 – How much will treatment cost me?

We fully appreciate that the cost of treatment is a significant concern for patients, particularly if you do not have appropriate insurance. It is very easy to start to rack up costs; many patients we see have already paid to see numerous different professionals (such as physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, pain specialists and other surgeons) before they have even got to a definitive diagnosis.

The Spine MDT offers a more cost-effective approach to back pain diagnosis and treatment. Our one stop clinic consists of a free initial telephone consultation, followed by a fixed-price MRI scan and face-to-face consultation with a spine surgeon.

Our diagnostic package helps identify the root of your problem and allows us to quickly formulate a tailored treatment plan, providing best value by reducing overall costs with fewer clinic visits required. Actual costs will be based upon us gaining a better understanding of each patient’s individual requirements. In all cases, our costs are fixed, easy to understand and with no obligation on behalf of our patients. Should surgery be required, the cost will be fixed depending on the procedure required. If a specific type of operation has already been suggested to you, we are happy to provide a fixed price and a second opinion based on a review of any existing scan results.

Our unique, multi-disciplinary approach results in a faster and more cost-effective service for patients. The Spine MDT is the only practice that seamlessly integrates all spinal and back pain professions, all guided by our specialist spine surgeons, allowing us to provide the best value treatment plan, tailored to your needs.

Our Locations

With our head office located in Northampton, we have access to a network of clinic locations throughout the UK.

In addition to face-to-face appointments, we also offer   remote video consultations. Many hospitals have set up secure video consultation access via popular video platforms such as MS Teams or Zoom, and if required the appointment staff can help you to set up these consultations.

Primary Clinic Locations

Central London
9 Harley Street, London, W1G 9QY

BMI - Chelsfield Park Hospital
Private Consultations and Surgery
Bucks Cross Rd, Chelsfield, Orpington, BR6 7RG


Private Consultations and Surgery
Spire Hartswood Hospital
Warley Road
CM13 3LE